Monday, May 29, 2006
mona lisa

Sunday, May 28, 2006
long last lap
heh... today was at cendol with wencheng and mok...
n then wencheng mentioned that almost a month after camp it seemed as if i still hadn't recovered from it...
hmm... in a way i realized its quite true... almost everyday i'm out... i'm mostly at home only to sleep... even my mum is starting to tell me not to treat home like a hotel... haiz... wish i didn't have so much to do...
on the other hand though... it doesn't really seem like much... it's only that class and church are starting to pull at the amount of time i'm available... hmm... there's an outing this weekend, and for the next few weeks i'm not at home during the weekends cos' of practice of the chinese song competition... and joyce is leaving(ok this doesn't affect the amount of time i'm free, but it's worth mentioning :P) heh, i suppose i mainly cos' during the weekdays i'm busy at school, at during the weekends when i'm supposedly "resting", i'm actually busier... haiz....
mok did say that this week is the last lap... but, heh... this is one looooooooooooooooooooooong last lap...
but as some girl hermit likes to say... i'm always busy for church... haiz... sometimes wish i wasn't so much... ;) i'd rather be busy for God...
n then wencheng mentioned that almost a month after camp it seemed as if i still hadn't recovered from it...
hmm... in a way i realized its quite true... almost everyday i'm out... i'm mostly at home only to sleep... even my mum is starting to tell me not to treat home like a hotel... haiz... wish i didn't have so much to do...
on the other hand though... it doesn't really seem like much... it's only that class and church are starting to pull at the amount of time i'm available... hmm... there's an outing this weekend, and for the next few weeks i'm not at home during the weekends cos' of practice of the chinese song competition... and joyce is leaving(ok this doesn't affect the amount of time i'm free, but it's worth mentioning :P) heh, i suppose i mainly cos' during the weekdays i'm busy at school, at during the weekends when i'm supposedly "resting", i'm actually busier... haiz....
mok did say that this week is the last lap... but, heh... this is one looooooooooooooooooooooong last lap...
but as some girl hermit likes to say... i'm always busy for church... haiz... sometimes wish i wasn't so much... ;) i'd rather be busy for God...
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
i brushed my teeth just now...
i used a toothbrush and toothpaste...
my toothpaste promises me healthy teeth and gums and gives a minty flavour...
after i eat my breakfast i won't taste the minty flavour anymore...
i don't brush my teeth at night...
will i still gave healthy teeth and gums?
heh... can that be considered a poem? anyway... having CG today... spent last nite n this morning trying prepare something... in the end God reminded me it's not about how interesting i make the sharing or what i share about... it's about the Person i'm sharing about...
i used a toothbrush and toothpaste...
my toothpaste promises me healthy teeth and gums and gives a minty flavour...
after i eat my breakfast i won't taste the minty flavour anymore...
i don't brush my teeth at night...
will i still gave healthy teeth and gums?
heh... can that be considered a poem? anyway... having CG today... spent last nite n this morning trying prepare something... in the end God reminded me it's not about how interesting i make the sharing or what i share about... it's about the Person i'm sharing about...
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Who am i
Who Am I- Casting Crowns
Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You're
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours
Who Am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who Am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours
if your volume is on... and you're not deaf... you would have heard this song playing on my site...
cool song about a cool God :P
Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You're
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours
Who Am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who Am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours
if your volume is on... and you're not deaf... you would have heard this song playing on my site...
cool song about a cool God :P
Saturday, May 13, 2006
i'm actually quite sleepy and tired even though its only 11am... maybe its cos' of yesterday's 48 hour day...
yesterday i was out for almost 48 hours.... okay okay... let's rewind back to thursday...
onthursdayiwasinclassinthemorningafterwhichiwentbackhome...ikindatriedtotakealongnapfrom2-6pm...whichkindadidn'treallyworkoutcos'ikeptonwakinguptocontinuedoingmyrubik'scube(whichisnowsittinginminheng'scarcos'ileftitthereinmyrushinthePalaceofTheGoldenHorses..butmore onthatlater)soanyway...startingfrom830pmtillabout930pmliddattherewassundayworship...followingwhichthere wasthefranticpackingofchurch'sPAequipment,instruments...&tc,&tctothePalaceoftheGoldenHorsesforour church's30thanniversarywhichendedatabout12am...followingwhichwasthefranticsettingupofequipmenttill about3am...followingwhichwassomesortofsleep/naptillabout7amwhenthefranticcontinuationofsetting up/finetuning/gettingPAstufftoworktillabout10am...followingwhichwasfinallytherealevent-the30thanniversary...whichwasfranklyquiteanti-climacticconsideringallthebuilduptoit...butanyway...afterthatwaslunchandrushingbackhomeatabout3pm... followingwhichhavingexhaustedallremainingenergysourcesidroppedonthesofaand"died"foraboutan hour...onlytobeinterruptedbyaseriesofphonecallsbutanyway...ikindadidgetaboutanhour'ssleep...
afterwhichwastheChineseMusicComposingCompetitionsemifinals...itonlystartedat8pmbutwemet forpracticeatabout4somethingandthentriedouttheinstrumentsatthatchurchatabout5...andthenlepaked until8...heh...wewerelinedupfor1stand6thsongof7songsthatnite..the1stsongifeltwasatotaldisasterconsidering
wannapressgetpressedandthekeysyouwannapressjustdon'twannagodown...yeah,ihadtoplaythesynthy forthatsongcos'thepianowasslightlyoutoftune)anyway...the6thsongcameoutquitewellithink...so
heh... here's to the long... long... lonng day that just passed... feeling sleepy now...
yesterday i was out for almost 48 hours.... okay okay... let's rewind back to thursday...
onthursdayiwasinclassinthemorningafterwhichiwentbackhome...ikindatriedtotakealongnapfrom2-6pm...whichkindadidn'treallyworkoutcos'ikeptonwakinguptocontinuedoingmyrubik'scube(whichisnowsittinginminheng'scarcos'ileftitthereinmyrushinthePalaceofTheGoldenHorses..butmore onthatlater)soanyway...startingfrom830pmtillabout930pmliddattherewassundayworship...followingwhichthere wasthefranticpackingofchurch'sPAequipment,instruments...&tc,&tctothePalaceoftheGoldenHorsesforour church's30thanniversarywhichendedatabout12am...followingwhichwasthefranticsettingupofequipmenttill about3am...followingwhichwassomesortofsleep/naptillabout7amwhenthefranticcontinuationofsetting up/finetuning/gettingPAstufftoworktillabout10am...followingwhichwasfinallytherealevent-the30thanniversary...whichwasfranklyquiteanti-climacticconsideringallthebuilduptoit...butanyway...afterthatwaslunchandrushingbackhomeatabout3pm... followingwhichhavingexhaustedallremainingenergysourcesidroppedonthesofaand"died"foraboutan hour...onlytobeinterruptedbyaseriesofphonecallsbutanyway...ikindadidgetaboutanhour'ssleep...
afterwhichwastheChineseMusicComposingCompetitionsemifinals...itonlystartedat8pmbutwemet forpracticeatabout4somethingandthentriedouttheinstrumentsatthatchurchatabout5...andthenlepaked until8...heh...wewerelinedupfor1stand6thsongof7songsthatnite..the1stsongifeltwasatotaldisasterconsidering
wannapressgetpressedandthekeysyouwannapressjustdon'twannagodown...yeah,ihadtoplaythesynthy forthatsongcos'thepianowasslightlyoutoftune)anyway...the6thsongcameoutquitewellithink...so
heh... here's to the long... long... lonng day that just passed... feeling sleepy now...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Rubik's CUBE
i skipped YA today... actually had time to go, and actually was considering going seriously... but.. heh, guess the thought doesn't really count that much...
anyway... today was kinda "different" day... hung out wif minheng n wencheng.. went KL to look for confetti.. cos' he was gullible enuff to say "yes" to them to buy stuff:P...
anyway... the shop where we bought the stuff was super cool... it had all those games you played as a kid in primary school... you know.. those rubber snakes, frogs and lizards...
and then there're those card games that we used to play like the "soldier", "aladdin" and "fish" ... there.. those where each card is bigger then the next... but the the smallest card beats the biggest card... well... if you don't know, then u had a pretty miserable childhood...
then oh... i discovered this... Rubik's Cube...
i didn't know it was called that of course... the description on the package with lousy english only said "Magic Cube"... but through the wonders of the internet i discovered it's true identity :P...
but haha... this is one cool game/gadget/IQ increaser... i'm positive that by the time i've mastered it, my IQ would have increased 70%... yeah, planning to get one for JuLiang too when he like get's bored and has nothing to do... don't know when minheng's gonna go get it though...
anyway... today was kinda "different" day... hung out wif minheng n wencheng.. went KL to look for confetti.. cos' he was gullible enuff to say "yes" to them to buy stuff:P...
anyway... the shop where we bought the stuff was super cool... it had all those games you played as a kid in primary school... you know.. those rubber snakes, frogs and lizards...
and then there're those card games that we used to play like the "soldier", "aladdin" and "fish" ... there.. those where each card is bigger then the next... but the the smallest card beats the biggest card... well... if you don't know, then u had a pretty miserable childhood...
then oh... i discovered this... Rubik's Cube...
i didn't know it was called that of course... the description on the package with lousy english only said "Magic Cube"... but through the wonders of the internet i discovered it's true identity :P...
but haha... this is one cool game/gadget/IQ increaser... i'm positive that by the time i've mastered it, my IQ would have increased 70%... yeah, planning to get one for JuLiang too when he like get's bored and has nothing to do... don't know when minheng's gonna go get it though...
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
phew.... it's been one hectic week... and i don't see it getting better with practice, YA n preparing for 30th anniversary...
heh... on another hand... the reason for my hecticness last week- CF camp, was quite an experience...
it was actually something like my first time organizing this sort of camp thingy where you need to look for place to stay, transport, food... and most importantly, money to make everything run...all the stuff u normally take for granted in a camp...
i think it was an encouraging experience to see prayers being answered and during the camp even though some minor problems popped up: like the shirt material being too thin, scheduling difficulties... it was cool to.... like, really see things work out...
heh... on another hand... the reason for my hecticness last week- CF camp, was quite an experience...
it was actually something like my first time organizing this sort of camp thingy where you need to look for place to stay, transport, food... and most importantly, money to make everything run...all the stuff u normally take for granted in a camp...
i think it was an encouraging experience to see prayers being answered and during the camp even though some minor problems popped up: like the shirt material being too thin, scheduling difficulties... it was cool to.... like, really see things work out...
Thursday, May 04, 2006
time stop
you know... there are times in life when u think time stops or should stop cos' it seems like you have just so much to do...
at times you think that so much is happening in your life that you think the world should start revolving around you...
some times all you wish is for a moment of silence when you can stop to listen...
and then most of the time wat you need isn't more time but a moment in eternity(haha, oxymoron)...
heh... i know i hadn't been blogging recently, so it was kinda nice this morning to go thru my frens blogs, rememberin that life doesn't revolve around my small little world only...
at times you think that so much is happening in your life that you think the world should start revolving around you...
some times all you wish is for a moment of silence when you can stop to listen...
and then most of the time wat you need isn't more time but a moment in eternity(haha, oxymoron)...
heh... i know i hadn't been blogging recently, so it was kinda nice this morning to go thru my frens blogs, rememberin that life doesn't revolve around my small little world only...
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
hmm... i don't know why this is... but i actually have a certain degree of aversion towards CF in IMU actually... i'm not really sure why this is..it's not like it's evil or anything...
maybe it's bcos' my batch never really fit into the CF thingy... maybe cos' the many IMU activities just made CF... just another IMU activity...
or maybe its just that... it's distant... like looking at the dudes outside my house building the new highway... you know what they're doing... they're actually quite near you, but yet... it's like looking thru the window... you're not really "there"...
anyway... this friday is CF camp, and today i'm supposed to hold some sort of a camp briefing...
heheh... n there isn't really much to talk about anyway... but well... we'll see...
maybe it's bcos' my batch never really fit into the CF thingy... maybe cos' the many IMU activities just made CF... just another IMU activity...
or maybe its just that... it's distant... like looking at the dudes outside my house building the new highway... you know what they're doing... they're actually quite near you, but yet... it's like looking thru the window... you're not really "there"...
anyway... this friday is CF camp, and today i'm supposed to hold some sort of a camp briefing...
heheh... n there isn't really much to talk about anyway... but well... we'll see...
Monday, May 01, 2006
heh... it's been a while... a very long while...
it hasn't really been cos' i haven't had time to update... things were and still are a little busy, but not so much so that i hadn't had any time to play computer or do anything else... it was more of...
not knowing wat to blog about... blogger's block?
heh, anyway... just came back from retreat... a rather inspirational one...
hmm... i suppose you can call these "hilltop" moments...
i think the biggest thing i took back from the retreat was learning to shutup and just... like, learning to "chill" with God...
i don't think i've ever, really thought of God being so real and personal before... but yeah, it was cool...
strangely though, on the way back home as we were sending ps. thomas chin n wife back to airport, we got "extra" lesson on BGR... heh, and i think these were the first BGR lessons that actually "spoke" to me...
still... it's been a while since i felt like this, and can't really remember if i had ever felt like this before... but it's nice to be able to "reload" my christian experience...
it hasn't really been cos' i haven't had time to update... things were and still are a little busy, but not so much so that i hadn't had any time to play computer or do anything else... it was more of...
not knowing wat to blog about... blogger's block?
heh, anyway... just came back from retreat... a rather inspirational one...
hmm... i suppose you can call these "hilltop" moments...
i think the biggest thing i took back from the retreat was learning to shutup and just... like, learning to "chill" with God...
i don't think i've ever, really thought of God being so real and personal before... but yeah, it was cool...
strangely though, on the way back home as we were sending ps. thomas chin n wife back to airport, we got "extra" lesson on BGR... heh, and i think these were the first BGR lessons that actually "spoke" to me...
still... it's been a while since i felt like this, and can't really remember if i had ever felt like this before... but it's nice to be able to "reload" my christian experience...
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