today datuk huat mentioned during lunch that normal ppl look forward to the months of december, january and february... haha.. not us... those 3 months have been nightmare months for all of us since we started med school... always the Exam Finals months...
i guess its hard to keep on going strong when ur failings loom large in your face,
and hope seems like the clouds far above that are out of reach...
but i suppose if we keep looking at the problem, the problem seems to grow bigger (kinda like how you can see the bacteria thru the microscope by looking longer... lol)
to break the cycle of exams and stress, i suppose maybe the only way is to look away...
look ahead to the good things in store after that...
look out of the troubles we have now to the good things that have and are happening to us...
it's the best of times, it's the worst of times...
ironically it is during the best of our time.. when we're on holiday or in sem8... that we drift away from each other because we're so busy having fun...
and ironically it is during the worst of times...
during our exams... that we cling closer to each other and find strength in our friendship with each other because we need each other so much more...