Saturday, March 21, 2009

something to look forward to

in life... in order to be happy, one must have something to look forward to...
like for most of us... after the end of a long and tiring week... we look forward to friday and the weekend...
but i realized this morning, that just having the weekend itself isn't much... there must be something to be done to look forward to... an event... something to do... something to eat... someone to meet... 
haha.. i haven't thought about what i'm looking forward to this weekend... but being able to do nothing seems nice... lol... unless someone has more interesting stuff to suggest? (=

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


heh.. competition can bring out the worst in you..

i remember on the first day in batupahat, DK briefed us for a while on life here...
most of us would remember him mentioning to us not to fight for portfolio cases cos' the cases are plentiful... and that he had heard of even boyfriend and girlfriends breaking up over cases...
hehe.. i laughed and thought... why would anyone want to fight over a case...

competition really can bring out the worst in you...
its third week...
and in surgery... because of the many "exclusion criteria" and because of the small number of patients...
there is an overwhelming struggle for each and every case...
some of us have been nice and given away cases to those who don't have...
some... try to hog and stuff like that...

yeah i suppose its easy to be a batch of unity when your actions only affect your ownself... 
heh, not so easy when u have to fight over limited resources...

i'm not worried...
i still believe the cases will come...
somehow... :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

2nd week

heh.. 2nd week in batu pahat.. and feels like my second month...
too many reports.. portfolios...
and i haven't even started studying =_=...

heh.. on the other hand... just found a church to go to...
and i guess.. after sometime...i can get used to going on call almost every day...
haha.. after this, once a week on call is a piece of cake.. lol
otherwise.. i've just recoverd from a super-acute bout of AGE/food poisoning... after KO-ing for almost 10 hours last night...
well, thank God i'm ok now before starting the week again...

heh.. new week... aih.. hope to finish all my reports in time...

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Batu Pahat

in batu pahat...
don't know whether i'm happy that i passed sem 9...
or whether i'm dreading the long hours in sem 10...

previously in s'ban.. "free" was if we didn't have any classes or if we left before lunch... or something like that...
heh.. how different...
in batu pahat.. "free" is if we don't have on call...
in surgery...
on call is from 7-11pm... 3 days a week=every other day... and i'm on call this weekend =_=
hahaha... today i'm off call... thank God internet's come on...

heh.. i guess i don't mind surgery...
its just the loooonnngggg hours...
but i suppose that's housemanship...
heh... yay.. 2 more hours left of my off call day...
i'm SOOOOO looking forward to sunday...

*the worst is yet to come... O&G on call is until 5am... 
