Wednesday, November 01, 2006

what to say...

there are times when u don't wanna talk... and suddenly everybody seems to want to talk...

and there are sometimes you meet with situations where u really wanna talk... but u just can't think of the words... sometimes, it isn't the vocabulary that limits you... but more of... just not knowing what to say... heheh, and yeah... come to think of it... it does happen during prayer too- which i pretentiously cover up by just muttering some standard thing that comes to mind...
hmm.. but then, ironically, in conversations with real ppl... there's no such option to "cover up"... i mean... u can't just say.. "oh, it's a sunny day"... where as in prayer u can just say.. "i commit such and such a matter into your hands"... which is really bad lah...

on the other hand...
sometimes i really wish conversations were easier to hold... or start...

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