Wednesday, August 22, 2007

interesting sites

i decided not to study today...

not that i've been... but yesterday i picked up a book n read a bit, so to make me look good i officially state that i've started studying...
but i digress... i decided not to study today...

so i went surfing...

btw, if you're wondering why u can't see me online... it's bcos (ref previous post) i can't log in to msn or access any microsoft websites from my vista computer... but with my other house computer i can(which lags so bad and no music)... so i was actually looking for a solution for this...
but anyway...

i discovered some interesting websites... umm.. i exclude blogs so that it won't seem as if i like certain ppl...

this is one cool site... you can post questions to about ANYthing... and ANYone can answer :)...

note... *ANY*...

and there ARE some pretty fun

question: what's the meaning of life?

answer: hard to describe
but life is like a hamburger with everything on it
there are parts i like
and parts i just wanna get through
but overall the hamburger is good

: According to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, it is 42.

question: why is it cool to be stupid?
answer: Cause stupid questions earn easy points. ;)

question: What types of parrots are the least noisy of the parrot family?
answer: srry all parrots r noisy

and many others

and then... actually not today but about last month, i discovered

if you're into art... and even if you're not... there's some really funky pictures here... all original... some hand drawn, painted, computer drawn... but mostly good...
Hoon is really good...
so is elvenkind and gilad... good updates are rare though...

and last but not least...

haha... this doesn't really qualify as a blog... cos' its.... dead :P
i just love this site...not for its
more for that little chatbox at the side... haha... i doubt the owner even knows what's going on...

well... i doubt u all are as free as me anyway...

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