Sunday, September 30, 2007


today's prediction says i could be prime minister of tajikstan..

hmm... Tajikstan??

since i'm the new PM of tajikstan, i thought it'd be in order to enlighten the world on the country of my dominance...

here's several fun facts about Tajikstan, picked up from the source of all modern knowledge...Wikipedia

that's the national flag of Tajikstan, and it's location on the world map...
hmm... fun facts...

1) the main source of income is drug trafficking.. lol, that must be fun... i wonder what the kids ambtions are as they grow up

2)they speak Tajik.. or Persian

3)they celebrate International Woman's Day on March 8 as a public holiday... heh... that'd be cool actually...

4) Tajikstan is not a fun place to be... cos' i can't find anymore fun facts... oh well... maybe the prediction won't come true anyway...

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