Wednesday, April 27, 2005

it's cool

yeah, it's cool... this is the most frequent i've blogged in a long long time...
although i'm not sure wat to post about... but yeah, at least i'm regularly being regular...

ok-lah, for the sake of myself i'll just put something here that makes it worth your time coming here... uhh, yeah something-lah...
anyway, today i realized that i kinda had some sort of prejudice against catholics... in fact as far as i can remember think i thot of them as being slightly cultish and super traditional partly cos' i always remember ppl telling me that they believe that mother Mary as being God or something like that...and traditional cos' i always hear about Mass(which i don't know wat it is in fact)...
that is until came to IMU n met Desmond... in fact other than the fact that his bible has a few other books called the Apocrypha and that he calls identifies himself as a catholic(unlike most of the other christians who know not wat denomination they're in and thus take the umbrella denomination of protestant which roughly translates in our understanding as to being non-catholic)... he's pretty much a normal fired up christian... much more fired up than most christians i know, more friendly also.. but also with his weaknesses and all-lah...
so nowadays i find it kinda irks me that ppl sort of segregate btw christians and catholics...yeah, thinking about that, i realize many times whe form prejudices and misconceptions about other groups of ppl without really understanding what or who they are... for that matter we hardly bother to find out cos' it doesn't hurt anyone we know, and anyone who doesn't "fit" into our circle is okay to hurt...
put a bit crude but yeah, i think its true to an extent... we don't really care about others until we can start to "connect" or put a face to them...

so yeah, i will try to learn more about catholics from now on...

1 comment:

BlurChu? said...

ah... tried to post a comment yesterday, but i couldn't due to some syntax error. now ok....

just wanna say that at least they have the same faith as we do, is just that they're slightly different. cultist? i don't really think so. but we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, eh?