Wednesday, May 11, 2005


people in a group tend to like jargon.. it's actually kinda cool to have your own personal lingo amongst a group of frens.. until u start forcing it on other ppl that is...

last weekend i was in CF camp... it's really bad(uhh, no not the camp), but i realized that among christians we tend to talk in a certain way... like when have you ever talked about "righteousness, salvation, eternity, holiness, divinity.." n stuff like dat among your frens... still, its no wonder non-christians feel downright out of place amongst some christians..
i also realized this happens amongst doctors... let's try physiology,myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular emboli... well, at least doctors don't try to make you believe in something...

n/eways... today in IMU we had this IRF thing... it was pretty enlightening actually...muslims and christians actually have much in common in our ideas about the purpose of life(muslims purpose of life is to serve n worship Allah), where we go after death n stuff... but i suppose where we split off is where we stand on forgiveness i think...


U-Liang said...

doctors also try to make you believe in something...they try to make you believe that you are feed you medicene and make you pay for it...:P

Þ¤®†ë® said...

haha... at first i was going to say that that's bcos' you're really sick, but then i realized christians also believe that you're really "sick" too :P
yeah, you're right abt that :)