Monday, February 20, 2006

inspirational stuff

lately i've read and heard quite some inspirational and thought provoking stuff lately...
juliang's blog makes you think again of God's reality in everyday life, siewlian's new blog has this piece on Jesus' crucifixion, yesterday my dad read out isaiah 1 which is about how Israel keeps on hurting herself by rejecting God... its good to read and think about God outside of quiet time... reminds me of where i actually stand wif God not just on a daily basis, but on an hourly or minute-ly basis...

i've realized that during holidays, it's actually harder for me to focus on God cos' i'm so busy trying to find stuff to do to occupy myself, trying to find pleasure for my ownself...
whereas during exams strangely because i'm so busy, that i have to find time for God, that i find myself actually closer to God, because i'm trying to find pleasure for God...

it's actually a bit frightening that i take God's presence for granted so easily... i wonder sometimes what he thinks of me... losing sight of the path not because the going get's tough, but because the going got easy... heh, so maybe satan's greatest weapon isn't to force me off the path to heaven, but to lure me away...

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