Wednesday, March 22, 2006


hmm... i'm kinda decided against going for ball alredi, not just cos' of the cost... but i'm kinda wondering... why ppl go for ball at all...
the cons-
95 bucks!!!
more time and money to get clothes and try to look good...
transport for the day itself...
when you're actually at the ball there's nth much to do except... eat? take pictures?

the pros-
this is my last ball.. uhh, what makes you think i want to go for ANY balls for that matter?
look good? haha... i alredi look good :P
umm... make frens?? haha... that's a joke...
hehe, seriously... wat are the pros of going for ball? oh things maybe would be different if i had a girlfren... but then again, maybe not...

the point is... in a Malaysian context, why do we go for balls, other than to imitate our western counterparts? after all, if you wanna get together with frens, take pictures... stuff like that... just... have dinner together or something like that... go mamak... i dunno, isn't that why they have balls in the west... cos' they don't have mamak...
hehe, if you wanna have dinner and look good then just dress up and go some high class restaurant... aih, come on... i alredi HAVE to dress up everytime i go IMU, so why should i take ONE more night out to uhh... dress up?

1 comment:

mOkKiEs said...

based on my experience, balls only work when you have many sporting ppl who enjoy dancing, flirting, drinking etc etc...
so...yalah, kinda hard for the majority of malaysians to enjoy balls. mostly we go so that we can later tell others how boring it was. =p