Wednesday, October 31, 2007


psych... is frustratingly boring...
even as i entered the posting i began feeling a sense of intense apathy...

well... the subject does have it's interesting points...
just that they're not relevant or clinical...
take for example sleep disorders... which would be so majorly interesting if i could see real patients who had them...


-brief episodes of muscle weakness or paralysis with no loss of sonsciousness (due to sleepiness)

2) Ekbom syndrome (Restless leg syndrome)
-uncomfortable sensations in legs at rest... relieved by movement
*i think i got this

3)Kleine-Levin syndrome
-periodic disorder of episodic hypersomnolence
-may sleep excessively for SEVERAL WEEKS and awaken only to EAT VORACIOUSLY

1)Sleep terror disorder
-sudden awakening usually sitting up with intense anxiety

-brief episodes of LEAVING bed and WALKING about without full counsciousness
-amneisa for the event
-can usually be guided back to bed (cool... imagine if you guide him back to other places)
-can sometimes be initiated by placing child in standing position... lolz...

3)Sleep bruxism
-tooth grinding THROUGHOUT the night
*i wonder if je has this... whenever i'm standing near him i can always hear him grinding his teeth

and lastly... just for the funky name...

4)jactatio capitis nocturna
-rhythmic head or body rocking just before or during sleep

haiz... psychiatry... is moving slooooooowly....
to an end...


Terror From The Deep said...

I do not have sleep bruxism. And I never grind my teeth as well. Are u having auditory hallucination?

Þ¤®†ë® said...

haha... maybe, but i thought i heard, that's why i write...