Sunday, August 01, 2004

Old Saturday

well, normally zhiyong doesn't blog on weekends, but i think he'll make an exception today..last saturday was a day for old in really old times...

(Last time saturdays)wake up in the morning, go market, come back, have breakfast, help keep marketing stuff(peel prawn &tc.), sleep/do own stuff/ practice piano(yeah back in the days when he had to practice piano :), have lunch, afternoon nap, go TU, go grandmother's house..more or less that was how things used to be...

(Saturday 31/7) wake up in the morning, go out for breakfast at coffee shop, come back, help keep marketing stuff(peel prawn &tc., finished LOTR(last few chapters), practice piano (yeah, for some reason :), have lunch, tried to sleep but watch tv instead(this was oso something he used 2 do), go TU, watch movie, come back late... okay, so it wasn't a carbon copy but there were similarities :)

yeah... I, Robot is good

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